Billy Crystal: 700 Sundays

Billy Crystal: 700 Sundays

Em Imperial Theatre

Preço desde € 173.70

Billy Crystal: 700 Sundays on Broadway in New York, is a play where Billy Crystal plays most of the characters. Book tickets for Billy Crystal: 700 Sundays in New York here!

700 Sundays, an autobiographical journey, is an original two-act play in which Billy plays numerous characters that have influenced who he is today. It deals with his youth, growing up in the jazz world of Manhattan, his teenage years, and finally adulthood.

700 Sundays on Broadway in New York is about family and fate, loving and loss.


Reservar bilhetes

Número de bilhetes
Informação sobre o local

Imperial Theatre
249 West 45th Street
New York

Informação do show

Reserva de

2 hours, 15 minutes


Estação de metrô mais próxima: 42nd St. (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

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